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== Advanced Commands ==
== Advanced Commands ==
{| class="wikitable"
!What It Does
|/lwc mode persist
|/lwc mode droptransfer
|/lwc mode nolock
|/lwc mode nospam
|/lwc flag
|Set flags for the protections, read more below
== LWC Flags ==

Revision as of 00:06, 25 August 2019

Quick reference guide for LWC explaining basic and advanced concepts.

Common Commands

Command What It Does Alias
/lock Locks container /cprivate
/unlock Unlocks a container /cremove
/cpublic Creates a public lock None
/cdonation Creates a donation Chest None
/cpassword <password> Creates a password protected lock. None
/cunlock <password> Unlocks a password protected lock. None
/cinfo View info about a lock None

Advanced Commands

Command What It Does
/lwc mode persist PERSIST PLACEHOLDER
/lwc mode droptransfer DROP PLACEHOLDER
/lwc mode nolock NOLOCK PLACEHOLDER
/lwc mode nospam NOSPAM PLACEHOLDER
/lwc flag Set flags for the protections, read more below

LWC Flags